Professor Dissertori

Prof. G. Dissertori has studied Physics at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. In 1997 he obtained his PhD in Physics (summa cum laude), for a thesis on theoretical studies and experimental data analyses related to the ALEPH experiment at the CERN electron-positron collider LEP. During the following four years he worked at CERN, first as Research Fellow and then as Research Staff scientist.
During that time he continued his work on the ALEPH experiment and started his involvement with the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In September 2001 he arrived at ETH Zurich as Assistant Professor. Since 2007 he is Full Professor.
During these years at ETH, the main focus of his research group was on the construction, commissioning and operation of the CMS experiment, with particular focus on the electromagnetic calorimeter. Since the start of data taking in 2009, his group has played a leading role in the CMS data analysis efforts. In the years 2016 to 2018, G. Dissertori has been Deputy Spokesperson of the CMS experiment.
Furthermore, during the last decade, he has built up a second line of research, that aims at bringing know-how from detector instrumentation
to the field of bio-medical imaging, with particular focus on the development of novel pre-clinical and clinical Positron Emission Tomography scanners. This has also led to the creation of an ETH start-up company.
Besides his research activities, G. Dissertori pays particular attention to his teaching at ETH, which has already been awarded by four ETH Golden Owls (in 2005, 2009, 2015 and 2020) and by the Credit Suisse Award for best teaching at ETH in 2013. Furthermore, from 2019 to 2021 he was Director of Studies of the ETH Physics Department.
In 2021 he was elected as next Rector of ETH Zurich, taking office in Feb 2022.